Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Redefining the Finish Line.

     What gets you up in the morning?  What gets you so jazzed that you can’t help but talk fast and swing your hands all around? What's the thing that when you think about it, your eyes beam with passion? 

    I found my passion, CrossFit, four years ago and let it take the reigns, giving it the ability to change every aspect of my life.  This is not a weight loss journey, or a story of complete transformation but rather the journey of finding what my passion is and how it is incorporated in my everyday life.

    So what do I mean by “Redefine the Finish Line”? Many of us see a finish line as a milestone in which we arrive to the end.  However, I seek to change the definition and outlook of the finish line.  See, here’s the thing that may blow your mind – there is no finish line…it will just continue to change, giving you the impression that it was the end when really, you’re just beginning!   

    Many times we set a goal, we take steps to reach that goal, and when we hit the goal … then what?  Then we want something BIGGER or BETTER than the last goal.  This applies to so many aspects of our lives.  I seek to redefine those finish lines.  To accept life for what it is – all the excitement, bumps, curve balls, and changes that it entails while never compromising our passions.  The circumstances in which we work towards our passion will always be changing- but it more so about the journey in which we arrive to those life milestones and goals that creates the real story.  Maybe one year our finish line is running a marathon, and the next is simply learning how to adjust to a new work schedule.  These finish lines and journeys will be completely different and challenging in their own way, however, both obtainable. 

   Now, I’m not here to shove CrossFit down your throat and tell you how it’s the answer to everything and how it is for everyone… because I am aware its not.  However, I do know that everyone has a nitch for something whether you have discovered it or not.  I have found what works for me, and what gets me up each morning – and I am now on a mission to help others find theirs.

   Take this blog as a page to gather ideas for workouts and food, hear inspiring stories, gain extra motivation and to hear about different CrossFit boxes and other brands that have helped me along my journey!

Lets get to work. 

Contact me at... 
Email: hannahchesley03@gmail.com


  1. Replies
    1. thank you! keep an eye out for more and let me know if there's anything you'd specifically like to read about.

  2. Love the opening post Tulip. I'm excited to read more :)

  3. Love the opening post Tulip. I'm excited to read more :)

  4. Found my new favorite blog and no it isn't barstool sports

    1. glad you like it (: stoked to have some more for you to read !

  5. I enjoyed reading your 1st posting.It is so written. I look forward to having a blog post to read from you on a regular basis.

  6. I enjoyed reading your 1st posting.It is so written. I look forward to having a blog post to read from you on a regular basis.

  7. I enjoyed reading your 1st posting.It is so well written. I look forward to having a blog post to read from you on a regular basis.
