Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Get out of the gym.

Recently, a good friend of mine and I were talking and the conversation of being “in shape” got brought up.  Within the conversation I made the blunt and honest statement of saying “No, I am not in as good of shape as I have been in the past, but I truly believe I am healthier than I have ever been“.  This may sound contradicting but the more I thought about it, the more I have become confident in my statement.

Perhaps some of us walk into a gym, dreading it, but thinking that what were doing is healthy, because working out our body is the healthiest, right?!

How about our minds?  How often do we think about exercising our brain as much as we exercise our bodies?  Or even better yet, how often do we take the time to let our minds relax in a state where it is truly at ease.  I would bet you it is not all to often.  We are so busy running to work, making sure we have food for ourselves/our families, taking care of the pets, going to class and all the other daily stresses and then we proceed to drag ourselves into the gym because it just seems like the right thing to do.

It seems as though we lost the real idea of what being healthy is all about.

It’s about our bodies, our minds, and our overall well being all being in sync.    

Ya see, reaching a state of being healthy isn’t about how many times you’ve went to the gym this week, how many miles you ran, or how many pounds you’ve lifted… sure, it is part of it. However, to me the real question of whether or not you’re at a state of being healthy is “Do you enjoy what you do?”.  THIS is the key. 


So maybe it’s not the gym that thrills you or gives you a sense of satisfaction, but perhaps maybe it’s rock climbing. Or maybe running miles upon miles isn’t your forte but hey, there’s rollerblading or even hiking!  There are so many endless possibilities to stay fit and active and going to the gym is only… ONE. 

After spending my summer in California I got a little lost in the great outdoors of Glacier National Park in Montana.  The time I spent in Montana left me with no CrossFit box, no weights, and certainly no equipment.  But what I did have was my imagination, a pair of shoes, and an amazing landscape that I was ready to take full advantage of.  Like I often say, life happens… and sometimes as much as we think our bodies need a workout or exercise, our minds need it even more.  In Montana, I went for jogs around the campsite.  I brought a towel to the beach and did sit-ups and pushups on it.  I went for long hikes. And some times I just sat, enjoyed a Moscow Mule by the fire and gave my body and mind a little time to relax. 

California also gave me similar situations.  I had limited time at a CrossFit box, which was a big change compared to Iowa, however it gave me time to explore other options.  Sure, I wasn’t lifting everyday or making big PR’s at the gym, but I would go for jogs to learn about the area I lived in, long walks to the beach, I would find stairs to climb to prep me for the hikes in Montana, and sometimes took a jump in the ocean to tread water.  Did this put me in the best shape of my life?  No. But did it make me healthier? Yes. 

These other things I would do; walks to the beach, swims, stairs, hiking… they gave me an outlet to be on my own however, it also gave me the ability to strengthen my relationships by doing them with others. 

I hiked to the Hollywood sign with my sister, which led to a deep heart to heart that inspired me to start this blog. 

I got out in the water and learned to surf, which helped me face my fears and give something new a try.

I went for jogs in Montana, which allowed me to see the landscape and appreciate NOT being in that high of elevation all the time (the breathing was a struggle)

I went for hikes with my family, which gave us all something to remember and helped me add a few things to my bucket list. 

And the funny part was… none of these took place at a gym, but still encouraged a healthy lifestyle. 

In high school and my early years of college, I was a bit of a fanatic.  I would work out three times a day, all of which was in the gym.  And on top of that, I would pass up going out with friends or eating a certain food because in my mind, it was going to ruin the body I always wished for.  I had this impression that I was healthy and that what I was doing was making me healthier.
I was wrong.
I would beat myself up for eating sweets, or simply missing one of my three workouts.  I would stay in on a Friday night in college because I was nervous that it would affect my workouts, or once again the body I always wanted. Coaches, parents, friends, and so many other people tried to tell me to chill out but I was so sucked in there was so escaping. 

I’m not entirely sure when the switch was flipped or when the transition took place but now that I am out of the fog, it is incredibly clear to see how much healthier I am.  The gym may not be the first place I report every morning, but my health is the first thing I think of without a doubt.
I have found hobbies that bring me closer to friends.  I have gained a deeper appreciation for the world and all it has to offer.  I have learned to cut myself a break and not be so hard on myself for not having the most perfect body in the world.  And I have found sources of joy and fulfillment within everyday of my life – outside of the gym and away from the barbell. 


If you don’t like it… LEAVE
If it is more of a burden to your day… FIND YOUR JOY.
If it’s just not your gig… LET’S FIND YOURS.

There are so many things we stress about day-to-day, fitness and health should not be one of them. Find what you love, and let it be your source of fitness. 

I have found the healthiest version of myself.  A version of myself that allows my body to be challenged and tested, while my mind is able to explore all the curiosity it has ever had.  Sure, some of it takes place in a gym - but most does not. 

I promise you, there is more to fitness and health than a gym, and I challenge you to find the healthiest version of you, both body and mind. 

No, I am not in the best shape I have been in, but I am the healthiest I have ever been.

The world is here to be explored.  Go get it!

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